Saturday, 9 July 2011

Food, such a long road here

I wasn't going to do a post so soon. My man servant..I mean husband, gave me rules and 'tips'. Well, hell! it's me. Plus it's Saturday morning, and most of the world shops on Saturday. I thought this would be a good time to introduce you to the subject that plagues my brain like no Seriously here, I'm obsessed. I'm not talking eating obsessed. I'm talking about thought obsessed. I make lists before going to bed. I plan out meals while doing yoga. While playing buggy bingo I have ideas on how to get more 'goodies' into my kids meals. Oh and then there is actually the shopping process. Dear Lord. Do you want to see a glimpse into my brain as I shop...dee double dare you...

Let say we're approaching onions (as this happened just yesterday!)
mmmm lets find some local onions, nope nothing...okay, organic? Those onions are organic, but look at all that packaging. mmmmm any onions not packaged...yes! Oh but they are from Egypt, anything closer? mmmm New that closer? As my brain tries to find the encyclopedia it stored there behind the Zumba dancing....seems about the same to me. Okay.
So at this point we're drawing attention to ourselves and actually had a man ask me what I was looking for, I explained to him I was looking for local...which then had him looking, which in turned made him not pick onions and walk away in a huff.
Damn I need onions! Back to organic, oh are they too pricey...not really, about the same as the non organic...

Dear reader, 5 minutes staring at onions is 5 minutes too long. But le is my life.

My food journey has lead me from meat eater, to part Vegetarian, to drooling at a plate of bacon, to earth hunter, to Vegan and now here I sit....eating pate (not just any pate, it has bacon, and butter and onions in it!) I'm a big believer that when the universe needs you to pay attention it slaps you with GREAT BIG HUGE messages. I like youtube..I'm not going to lie. While playing there one day, one of my videos miss played. which means I clicked Millie Vanilli and got Thehealthyhomeeconomist. I was like 'hey I wanna be searching high and searching low...not looking at butter!' Found the Millie only to stumble upon a video on Weston Price. More butter! Days later as I was watching keeperofthehome, she started talking about eating 'Traditional foods'. At this point I'm listening. Okay, I'm listening! it tooks weeks of research and youtube vids. I have researched and researched! I have listened to Sally Fallon! I'm listening world. I'm really listening. It has struck a cord so deep within me, that I'm eating pate! I'm not going to preach. I hate preachers. I just want you all to be informed and do research and find the food path in life that makes you happy. I have found my food calling. It's not really that hard, there is a good rule to stick to. 'Would your great grandma, recognize what your eating?' I have started to make yogurt, and look into fermenting foods. I'm sourcing out grass fed meats. My kids are eating raw milk (hey I didn't preach at you, don't preach at me!) We have a local farm. She milks her cows every morning. I have seen her cows. I have talked to the farmer..fuck we're drinking raw milk! The power of these changes came yesterday while having a snack date with Mario (son 1).  Normally I have a very sweet tooth. Sugar and I, yea we're best friends. Sitting down drinking my mocha chiller and eating my lemon muffin, grossed me out! Grossed ME out! I didn't drink half of it, and the muffin left almost completely intact. I was told this would happen when you start eating good fats. There I was, stunned. I'm a believer! So dear reader, after all this wind. I just want to leave you with this. Today when your shopping, look in your cart. Do you know where you food came from? Do you know how your meat was treated (men, I'm sorry, I'm talking about bovine here) Do you have enough healthy fats in your cart? Do you see, white bread, vegetable oil, hot dogs, and pre-made meals in your cart? Grab some bacon, free range eggs (from the farm, partner!) and butter. Promise, you won't die! When you get home, make your self a cuppa tea and do some research. You'll be shocked to find out the's out there. Promise!


  1. Hi Tiffany.
    Great work!
    This is really interesting reading and I look forward to following all of your adventures!

  2. I really enjoyed this post. Keep it up. It gives me so much to think about.
