Monday, 11 July 2011

Educating our Children

Happy Monday reader!

Today as my kids go back to school for another week, thoughts of teaching our children flood my head. For those of you who don't know, in the UK school doesn't end for another 2 weeks!

I wanted to take this Monday to talk to you about teaching our Children. I don't want to make this long, I have a feeling it will be. I just want to give you a pep talk.

Children are sponges. They WANT to learn. The LOVE to learn and they YERN to learn! Seriously. I know, I know..your looking at your kid right now going..'my kid has his finger up his nose and runs in circles while running into walls.' THAT'S GREAT! I bet your thinking that I have totally flipped my lid. I haven't. The motto in my house is 'every opportunity is a learning opportunity'. If you know my house, then you know that there is nothing off limits when it comes to my kids. They know about everything from babies to thunder. I believe it's my job as a parent to be honest to my kids. If they want to know why boys have a penis and girls have vaginas..we look that up. I take every opportunity I can to teach my back to your dumb dumb running in circles banging his head against the walls...Teach your child about force and gravity. Teach them about speed. They like boogers do they? Teach them about that too.

Sometimes I feel pretty stupid. I didn't do well in school. My grammar and spelling are really something to be desired. Math is a struggle. I can't speak well most of the time and Lord don't even ask me about history or english! -I'm going to take this minute to give a shout out to my dear friend Kelly..who helped me cheat my way through grade 12 english..Thank you!

Anyway. Learning, doesn't have to be about how smart your are. Learning doesn't have to be about books or school. Learning can be ANYTHING! As soon as my children asks a question I'm all over it like white on rice! We live in an age where everybody who is anybody films shit. National Geographic is at our fingertips. The world is ready for us to access it at any moment!

There is nothing in this world too small or too silly to teach our children. If they have a desire to know something then teach it. We have learnt this year about milking cows and feeding chickens. What Vultures eat. How foxes catch food. We have done tree rubbings and grass rubbing. We have learnt about growing seeds. We have made bread and goodies. We have gone to the farm. We have talked about babies in a mummy's belly. Oh dear reader, the list is so large! I'm asking one small thing of you. Please teach our children. Please, Please, Please. Never mind that they go to school, and that they have good teachers. Never mind your stupidness. Never mind any of it.

OH and while your teaching, please be honest with your children. You CAN have talk about the birds and bees with your 5 year old. It's not scary. You can talk to them about why mummy's boobs are much larger then daddies. You CAN have these talks. It's all about teaching.

We have been given such a gift. Lets use it and start the teaching at home.



  1. Love it & you're welcome ;)

  2. I totally agree Tiff, ask Kelly bout the question her brother asked while we were driving to Dundas......I believe if they ask a question they deserve a honest matter how much it embarrasses his sister, right Kelly!

  3. Sorry, messed the name up.....all fixed now...stop laughing Kelly!

  4. geez! Now you're pretending to me Tiff?? Come on Mitch!!! :P
