Thursday, 8 December 2011

Thoughtful Thursday

Today I figure, being Thursday and it going well with thoughtful. Would be a good day to post something that would give you enrichment. Something that you could take with you in your pocket. Small words. Little phrase. Something thoughtful. Today is a good day to bring your thoughts present. Meaning, bring your thoughts to the now. Are you living today, or are you stuck in the past? Is your brain getting lost in the future? Are you truly living now?

I find so often our brains get stuck in over drive and we start to miss the things that are around us. How many times have you driven yourself to work, only to arrive and wonder how you got there. How many times have you wanted a drink, found yourself in the laundry room going 'what did I need?'

We need to start thinking about where we are now; and not how the next part is going to play out, or how we arrived there. In your current activity are you presently involved? When your rolling around with the kids is your brain making dinner? maybe it's thinking about the clothes that need to be put away? When your sitting and meditating, are you paying bills or balancing your check book?

When is the last time that you went for a walk and truly went for a walk? Are the birds singing? Is the wind blowing? Do you notice the color of the sky? Can you hear dogs parking? Are there children playing?  Do you notice how your feet aren't touching the cracks? Are your kids with you? Are they talking? Are you cold? Maybe your getting warm from your body being in motion?

There is so much going on in our lives, that I think we forget how to be. We are human beings after all...not human doings.


The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly. -Buddha-

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